I caught some junk about coming there single I don't care! I'm gonna enjoy myself, and I already know I'm gonna meet some kind people! I leave tomorrow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I agree, you could pay thousands of dollars/pounds to visit an exclusive resort however, you will always find 1 or 2 idiots in them. Yes they sometimes do spoilt the experience for some people however going over and over the same thing on this forum is pointless I think as it will never change? The hotel is there to make money therfore will never limit their clientele as its of detriment to them. We all love TTR and from my experiences (limited as only 4 weeks in total I know) but singles have never put us off and they have as much right to be there as couples. Just a shame some are not behaved well, Its immaturity that causes an issue (some assume if your in the LS then you are fair game, we know thats not how it works) perhaps educating them better would help? Goodness knows how though! Xx
I hear you Sir. Not really sure at what point I offered an opinion to anyone or named any individuals. My post wasn't even about this thread in particular but all threads of this type as they all go the same way. Have a great trip.
I agree ! People tend to jump and judge.. I say EVERYONE have a kick ass time! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Welcome!! You guys will have a great time. Everyone (single, couple, triple, however you may come) needs to remember we all have a right to travel anywhere we so choose. We all have different reasons for visiting TTR and all are justifiable and need not be defended or debated. Respect is something we should all strive to have, again whether single or as a part of a couple. Have an amazing time as you and your group see fit! That doesn't have to be the same way others enjoy their trip. Drunk 24/7, napping on the beach, simply taking in the atmosphere- to each their own!! Welcome and enjoy!