You know you are a TTR veteran when... you know what a buffet cruise is (and were there) when someone anywhere talks about saving a chair the first thing that comes to mind is some guy named 'Donald' and his jokes about chair saving , cameras and single guys you have met marshe and know his wife and his real names you know there is a fountain in the cigar bar and know it is (was ) the best place for a toy exchange when you start sentences like that American Pie movie 'remember that time at band camp'... instead though using 'remember that time at Temptation' when ... that guy hung a sex swing on the jacuzzi balcony that girl stuck her finger up your ass while playing beer pong the Boobs Cruise owner stole your sandals that invite to the jacuzzi party wasn't quite an invite to a jacuzzi 'party' chinos did a body shot off you at the sexy pool and almost got fired you learned putting a vodka soaked gummy bear on the tip of mr happy and offering to ladies at the sexy pool after a Boobs Cruise almost always works you learned what AIWC stood for and how magical it can be, but don't use chocolate in the hot sun that crazy mother f'er from NH brought 40 Wicked Weasels to the sexy pool and his hot lady tried every one of them on Cant wait to make many more memories in 29 days
- When all your wife's bikinis for a week fit into sandwich ziploc bag and her dresses fit into gallon ziploc bag but her shoes take up an entire suitcase! - When you order a drink by only saying pink or orange.
all of this and more: More FB friends from TTR and around the world than everyday friends/coworkers/family The people you met at TTR come and visit Your shopping and just have to get ______for______cuz it's so them! You start double work outs and extra tanning to get TTR ready.
When you have more Facebook friends in common with Chinos then you do with your spouse!!! Legit 160 friends in common with Chinos and 156 with Ira. Nikki
- when you're asked what you want to drink at a restaurant and you have to refrain from saying "WET PUSSIES" - when you see NutriBullet or VitaMixes on sale and consider them solely for the purpose of recreating the GREEN JUICE - when you're on travel sites during all your free time, searching round-trip airfares to Cancun - when you're at a regular pool and honestly wonder why more people just don't take off their clothes (this is a Temptation AND a Desire reference) - when your kids don't bother asking where you're going anymore because you stammer and stutter so badly trying to think up a vanilla resort's name - when you have to remind your husband to have a "clean" photo album on his phone so the kids can see our vacation pics - when you find yourself scrolling through your Cancun vacation pics with a huge smile on your face - when you see a single $1 US bill and add it to your tip stash - when you get your kids' school schedules and the 1st thought is "when can I fit in a week at TTR???"