When you start inviting your good or close friends from home so that they cam experience TTR and what it's all about just like you have!
When all you hear in your head is....umph, umph, boom, boom, boom....from that damn sexy pool and Patios DJ playlist!
...you go to a public pool back home and wonder why everyone has their tops on... ...you think about your next trip daily starting from the moment your alarm goes off the morning of checkout on your current trip... ...you suddenly care about and monitor construction like never before and pay close attention to whether or not the concrete around the new pool looks like it changed a little since the last photo you saw... ...you get back and when people ask you about your vacation you have two totally different responses depending on who asks...
you dread getting up in the morning knowing youll have to make your own bed, breakfast, and get your own clean towels!!
when you know the people by name at TTR the waiters the restaurant people. bartenders the premier people. And they recognize you when you pull up to TTR they call you by namecraziest thing. People always ask me why we go to TTR twice a year every year its paradise on earth nothing bette. Also was the best thing when we are at the airport and are plane got cancelled to the next day love it had to stay in Cancun one more day so my boss wasn't too happy. or when the people at the airport we became in our bathing suits because we jump straight from the pool into the cab they looked at us kind of strange at the airport! and everything everybody put above 100% agree. I was at a party and was a bit sexy and my husband's aunt said this isn't Temptations and what I wanted to tell her is maybe you need Temptations LOL