"You didnt build that"

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by Steve, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    It's words that have a meaning by themselves, I don't believe the meaning changes dependent on who said it. Experience or otherwise.

    Poor parenting, lack of education, lack of opportunity, bad career choices, lack of ambition, lack of balls, downright laziness.

    We all have the same start in life but by the time we become of working age our attitudes and aspirations have been shaped by our mentors. Our parents, our teachers, our environment, our friends, where we live, the school we go to. Not everyone has the same opportunities, shouldnt we be trying to create those opportunities for others instead of saying "tough shit buddy"? I say "we" because this is not just an issue for the US it's an issue for any country.

    If we create the right environment for people to prosper, then more people will.
  2. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Steve, the environment is there but the will to achieve is not. Why should anyone work when they don't have to. My comment about the food stamp program and feeding the animals may seem harsh, but it is very true. Why should anyone make the effort when the government is always there to bail them out. We have done so much to destroy initiative in the US that now everyone is entitled to some hand out from the government. The standard attack of the left is that the poor will be left to fend for themselves.

    My question then is a simple one. Who will pay for the poor when there is no money?
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I agree that yeah it did have a lot to do with me, I had the drive, determination and skills to make it a success. And the balls to leave a good job with great benefits and pension, move half way across the world and take the site full time.

    But it was good parenting and education that gave me those attributes. And it was other peoples innovations and work that gave me the tools to "build it". Add a little luck- if I did not go to Dady Rock that night in 1998 and met Jannet I probably would never have gone back to Mexico and I'd still be in my old day job.

    Hard work? not really. I read, tap away at a computer, I choose my hours and if I want a day off I go and have one. We recently got back from our trip to the UK and our garden was knee high in weeds. A 60 yr old guy spent 6 hours sweating in temperatures of 95F chopping, preening, sweeping. It now looks great...... and he was paid $35. Now, that is hard work, for not much money.
  4. Canadian Dos Equis fan

    Canadian Dos Equis fan Cancuncare's Most Interesting Man Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    Haha! we ignore them until they do something especially stupid or entertaining. Something about the parliamentary system brings out the screamers!
  5. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Last one for tonight, work to do :)

    The answer would be to act before that situation arises.

    There's two ways of doing it - you can either starve them into submission by reducing benefits or you can try and create an environment where more can prosper, costing us less and contributing more.

    Creating even more poor people isn't going to work.
  6. slore19

    slore19 Regular Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I am always curious as to whether the people that are so anti welfare have any family/friends that are on it. And if so, do they berate them as if they are second rate citizens. Have they ever given them any assistance or do they tell their family/friends "tough shit buddy", you should have achieved what I have by now.
  7. fireguy2035

    fireguy2035 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    One thing I have learned from being in business is this. There are always going to be people in this world who will never amount to anything and spend their whole lives being jealous and resentful of those who worked 18 hours days to get where they are. If they had harnessed that energy into being productive they would be living different lives now. My father once told me it did not matter what type of work a person did in life as long as that person decided he was going to be the best at that job and to always look for better ways to do it. If a person takes that attitude it is almost impossible for them to fail. We are currently teaching people in this country they are "entitled" to everything wether they have earned it or not. Steve if you feel so strongly in your views about your successes you should be giving away all your wealth instead of spending it on yourself and living well it seems. What gives you the right to live well ?? How can you say it is yours ? After all as you say you didn't build it but all those others who came along first with their ideas did. You will always have a segment of the population who would rather live off the the sweat of others and play the guilt game to to those of us who bust our asses to get where we are. Here is a little food for thought as I close...the US has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world......at the same time you see some of these obese people standing in line for food stamps at the encouragement of the government. What is wrong with that picture ? Prime Minister Thatcher said it best" Socialism is wonderful thing..until you run out of other peoples money".
  8. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    I'm happy for your success, but your statement is more akin to a statement of faith, and flies in the face of data, worldwide, that shows it is not only possible to fail, but the most likely outcome of any small business venture, anywhere.
  9. crar0520

    crar0520 Regular Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2010
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    Very well put Jamie. That is why most young people comming out into the workforce today want exactly what their parents have. What they don't realize is their parents worked 40 years to obtain it.

    We have an entitlement society, everyone wants everything and they don't want to work for it.

    Remember the lady in 2008 who (they even played it over and over on the liberal media networks, MessNBC etc.) that Obama was going to take care of her bills, house, etc. They are selling dillusionment (I think I just made that word up!)

  10. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    No one has even remotely suggested an end to all welfare. There are those who cannot take care of themselves and they should always be wards of society. A common tactic of the left has always been to throw the poor in the face of change so that more and more become wards of the state and vote for more giveaways from their masters. If Biden wants to talk about putting people back in chains he need only look to the system of giving money to people in exchange for their votes.

    What has to happen in the US is fairly simple in statement and very difficult in practice. People have to become accountable for their own actions. A recent news story appeared about a guy who was just 30 years old and he had 33 children whom he could not support. Neither he nor the women he slept with were even remotely accountable. Why? Because the system does nothing to discourage them.

    Right now 30 percent of all the people on Social Security are on Social Security disability. Of those that I know are drawing disability, less than half of them are really disabled. Now tell me what is the justification for that? What is the justification for free cell phones that get an extra 250 minutes every month? What is the justification for free anything for people who are capable of working but won't?

    If you get a chance, check out the cover of this week's "Newsweek" magazine. And here's a shocker for you....it isn't just Fox News that thinks it's time for a change!
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