"You didnt build that"

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by Steve, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. Mike&Kelly

    Mike&Kelly Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    They don't get the TRUTH at all. We are trying to fix a very serious problem. It will take time. "Lean Forward", don't make the same bad choice again. Four more years then Hillary!!!!!
  2. Jamie

    Jamie Mayor of Temptation Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    I'm still waiting for the answer to my question?

  3. slore19

    slore19 Regular Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I'm still waiting on my 40 acres and a mule, but life goes on my friend.

  4. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Canadian Dos, My comment about Valerie Jarrett is just part of the history of this man who became our President. First off, Iran is a country that refers to the US as the Great Satan and when I see a Valerie Jarrett and a William Ayers and a Jeremiah Wright all tied to the same man and that man has the supposed welfare of this nation at heart, it is just down right scary. Add to it comments that Michelle Obama has made about "all this fuss over a damned flag" and yeah, I do get concerned.

    Any time any discussion comes up about Obama, it seems like someone always plays the race card. Personally I could care less what color he is. An incompetent man is no less or more incompetent by being black, or half black as the case may be.

    We have watched billions of dollars poured down the ratholes of idiotic social programs that are designed to do nothing other than buy votes. It is time for that to stop and people to become accountable for their own actions.

    Jamie has a very valid point. If none of us "built that" and it is an opportunity available to all, why do we need these massive social programs? If this opportunity is available only through the magnificent actions of our government then why do we need all these social programs? After all, if people that have their own businesses didn't "build" those businesses, then why doesn't everyone in the US have the same level of wealth?

    One of my all time favorite observations is based on the US Department of Agriculture. This is the branch of the US government that administers food stamps and also administers the National Park System. Well, the folks at Agriculture announced that last year was the biggest year for food stamps in our history. Now remember that these are the same folks that have the signs in the National Parks that warn you not to feed the animals or the animals will become dependent and not fend for themselves. Seems like there is some advice there that could apply to some humans too.
  5. Jamie

    Jamie Mayor of Temptation Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    So you admit it rhetoric and has no basis in fact.

    Either that or you want it both ways as in I need to work hard and build my life so you can tax it to give to those that don't want to put in the effort.

    I mean if you believe the statement those are the only two choices you have if you still want the social programs to exist.

    So there Steve, you have your answer. It’s not the Republicans that don’t get it; it’s those drinking the Kool-Aid that don’t see the idiocy.

  6. Canadian Dos Equis fan

    Canadian Dos Equis fan Cancuncare's Most Interesting Man Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    I took a peek at her wikipedia write up, and here's the first paragraph...

    Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman. Her father, a pathologist and geneticist, ran a hospital for children in Shiraz, 1950, as part of a program where American doctors and agricultural experts sought to help jump-start developing countries' health and farming efforts. When she was five, the family moved to London for one year, returning to Chicago in 1963.[3]

    So I guess what I am wondering is, what possible reason is there to bring up the fact she was born in Iran? People are born ex-pat from their home countries all the time.

    Maybe I'm missing a valid reason to use her birthplace as a knock on her?
  7. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Dos, I'll have to eat crow on that one. I wasn't aware of her parents being American and part of the aid programs. When I look at the people that Obama has surrounded himself with, it is very difficult to not be skeptical of everyone that he has in his inner circle.

    My opinion of the man remains as someone who is in way over his head and has no concept of how the US business operates in general and small business in particular. It seems like every move he makes is geared toward buying votes rather than doing what's right for the US.

    One comment that you made early on about our elections seeming like they are a continuous soap opera is very accurate. However, I do remember watching the Canadian Parliament in action and hearing them scream at each other and interrupt each other constantly. Down in the corner of the screen was a lady signing the goings on. Any minute I expected her to start flipping the bird on the screen.
  8. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I didnt write the code that runs the forum, I bought it. I didnt create the Internet, or the phone system that connects me to it. I didn't make the computer I use to type from or the paper I use in my printer that I also neither invented nor made. I could go on ad infinitum.

    I did have an idea that has turned into a moderately successful business but I couldnt have done it without the innovation and expertise of some very smart people and the routine day jobs of other, perhaps not so smart, folks. I'm sure that applies to any business, and was the point Obama was making.

    I also dont get this whole "I make good money only because I work hard". There are plenty of people who work hard and make a pittance. There are also plenty of people who don't work hard and make decent money, and I'd include myself in that.
  9. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Steve, with all due respect, I must admit that I find it amusing that you would be so in tune with Obama to be able to interpret his meaning. Consider here is a man who has never held down a private sector job in his life, yet we can interpret what he means when he says we didn't build this or that.

    I wonder how many sleepless nights Obama spent wondering about decisions he had made and how those decisions would effect his employees and their families. Maybe he tossed and turned over some crook suing him because he wouldn't lie and prepare a fraudulent tax return for the guy. The point being that Obama has no idea what it is like to start a business and to make it work.

    Does it take luck and other things to go right for a business to be successful? Yep, it sure does, but it still takes the balls to make it work and that is something Obama hasn't demonstrated that he has.

    Obama demeans everything that creators and business people accomplish. His statements are ludicrous because no one operates in a total vacuum. Steve, what you have accomplished with your business and what I have accomplished in mine are a helluva lot more than Obama has ever created. As Jamie pointed out, if it is so available why hasn't everyone done it? Why do we need social programs and welfare for those who refuse to work? After all, they can "build it," so why don't they?
  10. Jamie

    Jamie Mayor of Temptation Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    I don't buy that for a minute Steve! You're saying that all those long nights you put in studying on how to work the search engines, collecting data, creating content, and pushing your brand was not hard work?

    El Toro Poopoo!

    You and I both know that's bullshit from the conversations we've had in the past.

    Not everyone could collect the tools that you did to build the product that was created by your idea. Yeah we all stand on the shoulders of those that came before us, but without your drive, your incentive, your dedication to achieve the goal it would not have happen.

    This is witnessed by the other boards that broke away from here and tried to start their own only to fail.

    You BUILT this!! Your hard work, your sweat.

    You didn't get lucky, you created your luck. So no, I don't buy your hypothesis.

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