awwwwwww fanks greta... the last two weeks with a crap computer have been the pits, plus its been super busy at work. as it is today now that i have a working machine again.. however, i am on the hunt for hottie consultant, was spotted earlier at becky's desk...i shall find meeting room he is in and say hello
just woke up, hung over like its going out of style.....and somehow have to make it to my 1 and 2 oclock classes, then ive got a game at 4....this oughta be interesting
pop a couple of excedrine for migraines fletchy..they do the trick. 20 mins and you'll be feeling great!
take tylenol while drinking....and it helps cure the possible hangover the next day. always worked for me back in the day.
whooooooooo nerd dawg is here to bring an exciting atmosphere to the forum for the afternoon!!!!11111111111