YAY!!!!! OBAMA WON!!!!

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by RiverGirl, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. Mojito

    Mojito Guest

    +0 / 0
    I voted for McCain, but my biggest hope is that 4 years from now, I will be voting for Obama. It's over, the people have decided... suck it up and support the President Elect. I wish him the best.
  2. El Arracadas

    El Arracadas Guest

    +0 / 0
    Hola from Saint Louis Missouri #;-)

    I haven't been around here for a long time and I just happen to read this post, First I would like to say that I do not want to offend anybody around here by posting my point of view with facts, please take a look and find out on your own, I have been following politics here for the last few years and I can tell you my friends that things are going to get pretty ugly very soon.



    Just today, obama just picked Rahm Emanuel to be Chief of Staff, who happens to be his very first pick in the WH http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/new...nuel-A-profile-of-Barack-Obamas-enforcer.html

    Quote"Mr Emanuel became Mr Clinton's chief fundraiser, a role in which he gained a fearsome name for extracting exactly what he wanted from wealthy donors. He collected enough money for the campaign to ride out several potentially damaging scandals. The president later said of his money man: "I doubt we could have done it without him."

    The intense, eventually successful campaign took a serious toll on him. Colleagues reported that amid a discussion over a celebratory dinner about which political figures had earned the new president's enmity, Mr Emanuel became so enraged that he grabbed a steak knife, stood up and began reciting a list of names, plunging the knife into the table and shouting "Dead! Dead! Dead!" after each one.

    I am very afraid for this country at this very moment, I am already looking into going back to Mejico.

    Thanks for reading amigo(a)s
  3. El Arracadas

    El Arracadas Guest

    +0 / 0
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    It seems Obama is seen as a saviour for the poor blacks in the US but surely when he tries to make any important social changes to improve their lives wont the established white people in power and many white voters play the race card on him? I'm betting that Obama is going to have a rocky time ahead, accused of not doing enough by black voters and too much by white ones.

    You've probably all seen the youtube video:
    How many people really do think like this, and what happens when it doesnt turn out like they thought?

    However, the thought of Sarah Palin as vice president and a heartbeat away from being President, a woman who seriously thinks that dinosaur bones were put on earth by God to "test our faith" and believes Africa is a country scares me, so however good or bad Obama turns out to be it wont be as bad as it could have been. Had the Rep's put up a non geriatric, with a sane running partner it might well have been a very different outcome.
  5. El Arracadas

    El Arracadas Guest

    +0 / 0
    This election reminded me of 2006 in Mejico with "El Peje" Obama is a populist/Socialist.
    He played the "Race Card" from the beginning, starting with Hillary.
    2008 was the year when the so called 'MSM" died, they all(ABC-CBS-MSNBC-NPR-CNN) took sides with Obama and went after Palin and McCain, just like they destroyed Hillary.

    The market has plunged 10% as of today, millions of people drank the Kool-Aid and they will be very disappointed because obama will not deliver what he has promised, just like that video you posted.

    I have been doing a lot of research about his past and I can tell you that what I know now which are TRUE FACTS, by his own words, it does not look good.
  6. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I actually think a Republican would have been a better outcome for the US, but certainly not McCain and Palin. Which is strange as I always vote to the left in the UK. But what do I know, and I couldn't vote if I wanted to.

    As an extra question to ponder, how do US expats feel about voting in elections for a country that you don't live in, and where you will not feel the benefits or suffer the disadvantages? I know it always pains me come election time in the UK to decide whether I should vote or not, and the last one I didnt.
  7. Mal

    Mal Newbie Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2008
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    "However, the thought of Sarah Palin as vice president and a heartbeat away from being President, a woman who seriously thinks that dinosaur bones were put on earth by God to "test our faith" and believes Africa is a country scares me, so however good or bad Obama turns out to be it wont be as bad as it could have been. Had the Rep's put up a non geriatric, with a sane running partner it might well have been a very different outcome. I actually think a Republican would have been a better outcome for the US, but certainly not McCain and Palin. Which is strange as I always vote to the left in the UK. But what do I know."

    Personally, my problem was NEVER with Mcain and until he Palin, I was all about him. Palin was the turning point to loss for Mcain and it is unfortunate that a great man and a great patriot lost because his VP pick (who was not the original pick by him: Lieberman was) sucked. She was clearly out of her depth and all she did was stir up the redneck racist crowd. It seemed to me that what she couldn't win with intellect, she won with rhetoric. Her religion was none of my business until she decided that it was fair game and frankly, it was not her religion that bothered me about her. It was the rhetoric that she used.

    Now, in regards to posting opinions, every single human being is entitled to their own opinion and rarely do two people feel the same about anything let alone on a forum. You are always entitled to an opinion but no one is entitled to slander someone over race, religion or creed. You want to attack someone's politics, I am all for it and will likely join in but I abhor racist attacks and attacks on someone's religion. My only objection to what was written was that it was simply not factual.

    This is a fascinating discussion and really, I think Obama will do his best but he has a lot of damage to undo. that will take time. The big question isn't will he suceed, the big question is in fact whether or not the American populace will give him the time and leeway to fix what needs to be fixed.
  8. El Arracadas

    El Arracadas Guest

    +0 / 0

    The Cubans that live in the USA are terrified about obama, the see him as another Fidel Castro in the making.


    "Comunismo," said Michael Garcia, 30, the son of Cuban émigrés who works at his family-owned accounting business.

    "I shouldn't have to pay more taxes because I work harder than other
    people," he said. "The things that Obama say scare me because that's
    everything that Fidel said. These things are associated in my mind with
    going down the path to communism."

    The reason why obama won Florida was because of the black, jewish and young voters, not the cubans.
  9. Mal

    Mal Newbie Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2008
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    My understanding of the tax plan may be flawed but I certainly don't think that he is heading down the path to communism. the reality is that middle class and lower class americans are paying more taxes than need be and the richest aren't. what exactly is wrong with the rich paying a bit more? someone needs to enlighten me because when I read up on his tax plan, it seemed sound to me so I may be missing something.
  10. El Arracadas

    El Arracadas Guest

    +0 / 0
    I have to disagree with you about Palin, she fired the base like never before, the fact that the "MSM" paid more attention about her religion when you had obama attending his church for 20 years and listen to his radical pastor it is just unbelievable.

    If you want to talk about Ayers/Khalidi/Pfleger and other of his radical friends, the "MSM" never questioned obama regarding his associations, The MSM did question Palin about petty nonsense everyday to make her look bad and ridicule her.
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