I noticed to get a better deal you need the discount card. If I purchase more than one ticket, do I need one card per ticket purchased? We will be a family of 4 Adults and 2 children.
Double-check and send a PM to Steve. The discount card is actually the Entertainment Plus card. In the recent past he has informed us that policy had changed and one does not have to purchase the card in order to get the discount. If that's the same case here, he should probably update that website to reflect the change in policy. Prior to that change in policy, you only had to purchase just one card in order to access the additional discount in tour prices.
Thanks for alerting me to this. http://www.xcaret-tour.com is my web site but the tours offered there are all provided via Brant and Entertainment Plus. No you do not need to buy the discount card for any tours, this was changed about a year ago. The discount card is now only needed if you want the discount dining benefits. I must admit I had forgotten about updating that page and will do so tomorrow - we are just about to go out for the day. The direct link for Xcaret Tours with E Plus is below: Click Here for the Xcaret Public Tour
Steve, Have you noticed the price for Child is different? Entertainment plus is 55, your website is 46. This is for the public tour