A lot of my summer suits ar short sleeves so that helps but it's still hot. At least my suits aren't all dark colors like some people. I have a kind of neon green one (trust me it really looks nicer than it sounds), bright blue, pink and purple ones and well as the the traditional ones. Plus I have a black dress and and an olive dress thatare both sleevesles s that I wear under a jacket. Gotta do whatever it takes to stay cool in this heat.
Chicago has also been HOT! Not only are the temps high but so is the humidity. When I'm not working I like to make sure i'm somewhere in AC or sitting in front of the air conditioner at home. And there isn't to much relief in sight. Can't wait for the fall! Katie
Mine too. :lol: That's too funny. I laugh at some of their commercials. Especially the one where the woman does the head dive out the window into her dress.
That is a funny one. Have you ever heard of "Sara's Little Secret" clothing deodorant and powder remover? Get deodorant and powder off black clothing in an instant...no water, just wipe the stain with the "ball" and prest the mark is gone.
No, I have never heard of that, but I did see an episode of Rachael Ray where they were talking about the cloths for under you arms.
That's where I heard about these things...they're also called "Gal Pals" depending on who makes them. I bought mine at the Legg's outlet store and they do work.