If you check out all the different threads throughout ccc you will see a thread about the orange bracelets. I will ask BigSexy to repost as well. This is if you want the orange bracelets and the orange Bubba Mugs before you arrive. If you were on the right Boobs Cruise you should have def received the correct ccc bracelet at TTR UNLESS steve didn't have any because a shipment came in late. But that is very rare. ScubaSteve shared the proper link for the white with red lips bracelet. Bambi is awesome and can help you out. Good luck and have an awesome time. Just remember - if you don't have a bracelet yourself but know what they look like - you can go up to those who are wearing them and say hi! Just because you aren't wearing one doesn't mean no one will talk to you.
Here: Cancun Swingers NEW ON LINE STORE ... NOW OPEN!!!! There is also a forum just for swingers. Cancun Swingers | Lifestyle Couples in Cancun | Cancun Swingers the bands are $4 each I think
What is the sister site for those "extra perverted people" who are looking to purchase the white wristbands with the red lips? ;-)
We haven't received ours either and it's been three weeks also. We leave this Saturday. I'm not hard to miss I'm a foot or so taller than my wife. We should be pretty easy to notice. Lol