You got that right, we just got back and had to spend some time at the inside bar because its just too loud at times. In addition to Bash being loud it seems that they found a 13 on the volume control for the sexy pool. One day they music choice was not to my liking or most in the pool and it went on and on. That I can handle but the volume was at least at bash level there was little conversation unless you yelled. after 2 hours of it not going down a group of us retreated to the hot tub where you could at least talk. It seen someone there equates extremely loud with extremely fun. That bitching aside Patrick the GM is making a honest effort to address the music issue. There were several different DJs while we were there some were good (DJ Ronnie)and some I would like to trap in a eternal walking loop at he Cancun airport transportation area. Its probably going to be a while before they figure what their core customer base want so when you are there take note of the DJ and if there is on that plays what you like seek out Patrick who is making a effort to make himself available to guest. Let him know the name of the DJ and what type of music they DJ played that got you up and dancing.
TTR a place to just have fun and not worry about people judging you. Pretty much adult spring break. You will be fine..
We were in a similar situation before our first visit back in March - worried it would be a bit much for us and we wouldn't enjoy it. Well.... we are headed back for our second visit (longer this time) in November! We spent most of our first trip at the Rooftop bar/pool and just watched most of the action during the day and had a great time, so you can definitely enjoy yourselves without being in the thick of everything if that's what you end up wanting to do, but this time we are planning to hang around the Sexy pool a lot more. We also had a great time at Bash - we went back and forth dancing, walking around the edges of the crowd to say hi to people we had met during the day, and sitting inside at the bar chatting.