thats it Brad..blame it on the Wet Pussy Shots! LOL...did we do any of those? having trouble remembering:icon_confused:
Hey mike. I have been off the site for a month and getting caught up and felt the need to chime in for some reason. Stinks about the brother in law. Seems like early 40's is now a risk time. I always though you didn't have to worry until 50 but clearly it can happen way earlier and even to the healthiest. Got to cherish life. And you are definitely one who does just that. I can't imagine you being annoying or rude when drunk. What I say to Jen when this happens to me is 'are you sure you were not wasted and you just don't remember me being a perfect gentleman?'. Doesn't usually work but some times it makes her think a little Hope to see you in 2012.