First trip. Leslie wants to go shopping at the market. Take bus to the market, find only garbage. Walking back to bus stop, and a dog comes out of nowhere and bites her on the leg. Draws blood. Rush to local clinic for cleaning. Vacation ruined. Rabies shots in the US. Didn't stop us from coming back. :headbanger:
Last August, day 11 of our 14 day vacation went to visit some friends on the beach and made the silly mistake of keeping my heels (high wedges) on; as a result, broke my ankle in 4 separate places, dislocated and ruptured the tendon which got me a 27,000.00 dollar surgery in Mexico!!! But, at least it didn't happen day 1 and we had awesome insurance which covered every cent TG!! I now have 2 TTR flanking scars on either side of my ankle, plates and screws - argh, but I deal as TTR is our home away from home and the memories/friends/relationships we have created/built over the years have been life long. So, this is what I/we focus on instead of the negative - it happened - it was shit, but it's over and we move on, so to make bigger and better TTR memories; with those friends we know and luv while adding new friends to our mix!!! artyhorn: Heading back this August and will be sporting heels, :soccer: but staying far away from sand and will carry heels as required LOL!!!!! :bash:
Your stories are all great. I think about the worst thing that has happened to us is we got bumped to another resort. (Family one) Then in process of trying to make the best of it we were drinking on the balcony of our room which was about 15 stories in the air and shut the sliding door. Yup, you guessed it, it locked and we are now stuck on the balcony. Thank god the people below us came out on there balcony about 15 minutes later and we were able to yell to them to call someone to come get us. Funny part about it was we were not the first people in that room to have that problem. The same coupe below us had to call the front desk the day before for another couple stuck out there.
Your restraint is commendable. Back in about 1990 I was Whitesnake concert and I'm peeing in the urinal when this drunk ass comes up behind me and pisses all over my legs. I say hey asshole, you're pissing on me. He looks at me and says "go f**k yourself"! I said "no, you" and slammed his face into a concrete block wall. I have mellowed a lot with age but this guy had it coming to him.
We met a couple the first trip down that seemed really fun at first. They enjoyed drinking a fair amount though... On their last night they were fully dressed sitting on a lounge chair at one point. The wife stated that she needed to pee. A few moments later she announced that she felt better.... She had peed fully dressed in the chair!! Then she complained that this was her last clean outfit. We didn't keep in touch...