I am failing to see what this is about. If you can't handle people looking at your hot lady, don't go. If you can handle it and want to have a good time, then go. We had an experience last year where an older guy showed us where his wife had one year been sunburned by touching C's breast to show the spot. It surprised both of us (she more than me) but what it really did was give us a story to tell and laugh about. Lighten up, go, and have fun, or be a jealous prick looking for a fight and stay home.
Thanks for clicking on our profile and checking out our pics! If you send me a friend request, I'll let you see you the good ones! Juvenile? Oh boy - this coming from the guy with anger management issues.
Billyg51, I understand the feeling of being bashed. Been there done that. I how that my insight was not taken on that way. Most of the people on here are speaking openly of experience and opinion s they have had and are trying to relay their "expertise" of their times and what has/had not worked. If you would like answers, and more elaborate ones at that, please ask and respond is all that people are saying. If you wait and wait it just seems to be as though you are stirring the pot trying to get a rise from a group that is/was looking to help in an honest way. As you can see in the reactions from people on here, even the mere thought of someone as a "hothead" coming raises concern amongst groups that frequent together. If you are looking for solid advice on if you should go or not only you can answer that. We have given our answers as to what kind of tempetment and attitudes work well at TTR, as well as what to do to stay out of trouble of the situation does arise. I would suggest if you are in the mind to visit, or would be best to contribute and form a populated discussion rather than leaving it one sided. You will get direct answers if you are willing to ask. You can't be everyone's friend so don't expect the perfect answer from all on here but take the good with the bad and make an informed decision based on what you feel is right for you and your wife. Bottom line... if you make friends and can control yourself even in odd situations you will have the time of your life. If not you could end up having the worst time of your life. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
After rereading this post, he says basically "creepers/groupers".....now if he wants to save the "hottie" from them, then fine. Don't we all do that for our wives, girlfriends etc? Again though let her try first, if that fails, get backup (security, buds) and handle like a gentleman. You'll win. PS not really sure what a "grouper" is. Anyone?....
I missed some good conversations over the last week lol A grouper is a type of fish. I assume it is one of those fish with those wide pucker mouths. So I guess this is a guy that comes up to his lady with mouth open and lips puckered and latches on to one of her teets? I hate it when that happens. jk obviously. groper / grabber - unwanted and uninvited touching.
I think that all the negativity has subsided enough for me to respond. I was never waiting for any to agree with me about anything. In fact, I was more interested in a frank discussion of some interesting/troubling issues. Everything in my first post is true. This is not a college project. I was/am going to take a trip to Cancun. I was/am considering TTR. I will admit that in reading the forum I did observe two issues that popped up on a regular basis: 1) males groping females(for those of you who implied that I am sexist, I did not read one post about a male complaining of unwanted grouping by a female, although I would find that just as offensive); 2) a near fanatical attack on any negative comments about the resort. I was interested in probing those issues to make an informed decision as to whether to vacation at TTR. Clearly my post touched a raw nerve. I was vilified by many, called a sexist by some, baited for a response and called out when I gave one. A psychiatrist would have a field day with some of the responses. For those of you who answered my question in an adult, constructive manner, I sincerely thank you. I hope you enjoy many years of vacationing at TTR. For those of you who went on the attack.......... You fill in the blanks. But a last word of advice. Don't be afraid of the truth. Don't be afraid of an open, honest discussion of any issue. It may very well lead to a better TTR and a better vacation for you. In the process, you just might learn something about TTR and more importantly about yourself. Finally, I am still wavering as to my decision. But because so many of you were so emphatic about keeping me away, I may just have to go.