I was a little worried about this before we went in April/May. I read about some guys being pushy and grabbing at the women. I even read somewhere that some would attempt to get in between the guy and girl or attempt to push the guy out of the way so they could chat it up with the women. I have a pretty long fuse and it takes a lot to get me going but that would get someone hurt very quickly, Mexican jail or not. I don't mind someone looking at my wife or even flirting a little, but when one of us says "no", we mean it and I won't say it again. So I was kind of worried about that but I didn't experience anything bad. Everyone was respectful and nobody even came close to crossing a line. If you are one of these guys that runs around 24/7 freaking out because you think someone is looking at or trying to take your woman, you probably shouldn't go. If not, I think you will be okay.
Ahh we weren't too worried...I mean you get what you have coming to you. She probably knew well enough not to slap him or to even be dancing with those guys. so...I didn't think it was too scary Also thats funny you say "this was the end of the road for that couple." While we were down there my husband asked me how many couples I thought end up splitting up for reasonings that happen at TTR...I said probably a few too many
Ya I am not sure why your post elicited such vitriol. But it touched a nerve obviously You were asking for tips and advice and I, and others, tried to give you some. You are not the first guy, and won't be the last, to have anxiety about how to deal with jerks taking liberities. I believe, or want to believe, that you want to be 'a good guy, especially for your hotties sake' and have a copacetic vacay. Otherwise why would admit your temper tendencies and seek advice. Go and have a good time, let hottie control the situation and if that fails and you feel your buttons being pushed, use mine and the others constructive prior posts as a guideline. Can your hottie be firm towards skirt chasers? Or is she the encouraging type? At Temptation WOMEN are in charge and set the vibe.
Hey Billy - why don't you post up some pics so we can judge how "hot" your wife is! Oh, and if you're that concerned I'm surprised you let her out of the house wearing anything less than a burqa. :sofa:
well hubby and I have been 7 times. we aren't the jealous type. but we don't give each other any reason. you know yourself, and your wife. have a good honest long talk before you even book. If you even think there might be problems, with yourselves, don't book. I know my girlfriends hubby would be a total party kill!! but fhe is insanely jealous, and a control freek. so their is no way they could go there. Its not worth it, if you just end up fighting with each other or worse yet everyone there.
Yep the tone of this shows you are indeed a hothead, Temptation is not for you my friend. Let the testosterone mellow for 5-10 years and come then