hey everyone, im totally bored so thought i'd let you all in on a lil secret.... ok so its not a secret. some of you may remember a few weeks ago i was telling you about that "friend" that tried to come to work where i work and take the supervisor position knowing full well i had applied for it..?? well, he got refused and pretty much told them to stuff the job so guess who got it?!?!?! yup! MEEEEEEEEE!!! woop woop! im slowly but surely working my way up.. also been told there another highter up position they want me to apply for... so its all looking good for cancun next year!!! CLAIRE = HAPPY (just need a man by my side to celebrate it :wink: )
yeah it sucks. i'm well happy i got it, i worked hard for it, but you definately see who true friends are at times like this. spring break 2008!!!!! im so hyped. i was making sure gemma got hyped for it today aswell! she will come i'll drag her if i have to lol
way to go Claire!!! I am so happy for you! I know you really wanted it and worked so hard....good to see it finally paid off!!!
Woot grats Claire! I'll stand by your side to celebrate anytime well maybe in theory since your there and I'm here lol. SB 2008 Baby!!!