I would completely agree. Our TTR experience was about our own enjoyment. A major part of that is overcoming fears and insecurities, to enjoy an environment that we found exciting, to enhance our own relationship. Sexy does not know a shape or a size, it comes from within!
An ode to the girls . Boobies boobies boobies Big and small we luv em all Sitting high or hanging low ,they all look great ,just put em on show . Big ones small ones all are fine , just let them out to see that TTR sunshine . Lose the top , burn ur bra ,let those puppies out for the day . They look great you will hear everyone say . Free the girls , let them swing n sway it makes every day at TTR a wonderful day Don't forget the sunscreen , wouldn't want the them to burn , and while you are oilin ' you will see the heads turn . While the ladies are free you inhibitions will fly , see all you had to do was give it a try:flash::flash:
With out the risk of upsetting our friends from across the pond I was surprised at how many boob jobs i saw on our first trip to TTR ,,,,,, some are done for good reason no doubt but for me i think I prefer them as nature intended ,,,,, okay i am now running for cover
Boobs, I love them all! But the ladies should do what they want to do and do what makes them feel good. About fifteen years ago 'ol goldilocks would talk about getting enhancements since she was about as flat as a board. I always told her I loved her as she was and this became an ongoing discussion. One day during a walk we had one of those discussions about what we would do should one of us pass away, you know what we wanted for the kids etc. Anyway, she said the first thing she was going to do if I passed away was get a boob job, she stopped me in my tracks. I told her that was not fair!! She was so beautiful and now she was going to get boobs for the next guy!! Needless to say she began researching and had a boob job done in a matter of a few months. She loves them and the curves she added to her body. Needless to say I love them as well as she sure is a lot more frisky with them since she has gained a lot more confidence!
I love that ode!! You all are awesome. thanks for the support makes me feel better & even more impatient to hang out with you fabulous people. Oxox
Here's the thing. Big or small, your boobs are YOURS. While we should all try to love ourselves as we are, I totally get that sometimes loving ourselves sometimes involves making improvements. That can involve anything from a boob job to tattoos. It's what makes YOU happy, so if you want a lift/augmentation, then go for it!
Very proud to be one of the 'small' percentage of 'natural' when we were there, only a 34B, but now, I am so glad I didn't go down that road, it was rather nice to be a minority.
The Mrs is very well endowed and I am very lucky to have her, 38GG all natural. Hopefully she will be very well received when we come in a week. I do love watching the reactions she gets >
Been there and there was one woman who kept her top on the entire week no amount of cajoling ( begging actually ) from her husband could get her to take her top off. After awhile he gave up it was her vacation and that's the way she was going to do it.... so you've doffed the top on the Boobs Cruise but never at the sexy pool I find that a bit strange as usually its the other way around, oh well to each their own. If you do decide to go topless think you'll find its like the lid on Pandora's box once you feel the freedom it'll be hard to put it back on....