We operate a baby/toddler equipment rental business in Puerto Vallarta. The company is incorporated in Canada. We have been in operation here since 2007, and have built sound relationships and have a top notch reputation. We would now like to expand our operations into the Cancun, Maya Riviera area. This is a perfect opportunity for someone to have a piece of a successful business, which is the first of it's kind in Mexico. If anyone is interested, or knows of someone who may be interested please contact me. anjalla@lotsfortotsmexico.com
Man, I lOVE kids (have 4 of my own) but I'm not sure I'd be into renting one. OTOH, it has been a long time since I've had a real baby around - what to the run / hour?
What specifically are you looking for? Equity partner, lender, investor, working partner who gets a piece of the profits and the pie, franchisee, licensee or what? Are your customers/clients tourists, locals or both? If both, what is the approx ratio? Will the person or company that might become involved have some say in site selection? Are you familiar with securities laws in both Mexico and Canada? Do you have a prospectus? Or a website with some info on your business? I think these are at least some of the questions that someone would want to know before making any serious inquiry directly to you. At least I would but I am asking in a public manner the bare minimum of things that anyone should want to know as a baby step, no pun intended, before taking the proverbial "first step". Notice that I have not even mentioned capital requirements. That is step 2. Thanks and good luck.
Thanks T.J You posted some very valid questions, sorry it took me a while to get back here though, I have been working on an updated business plan, etc. What I am looking for is a franchisee. Right now our primary customers are from the US and Canada, we are hoping to gain a larger part of the national market. Cancun would give us an opportunity to tap into the European market as well. The person wishing to be involved will have full say as to site location. We do not operate a store front, so it can be very easily run out of a private house. It is only a delivery service, clients view and book online or via phone. A franchise operation would also allow for plenty of room for customization based on client's needs, desires and the area in which it is operating... I am not looking to open a new MacDonald's or Starbucks. Our website link is in my Siggy and just in case it is www.LotsForTotsMexico.com I am familiar with the securities laws in Canada. We are registered with Hacienda as well as being incorporated in Canada. Capital requirements are step 2..thank you for that, let it be said that a capital input would provide a turnkey operation. Hope that helps a bit.
What percentage franchicse fees are you asking? Why would I not just buy all the things you have on your website and set up myself here instead of paying you a part of my profits? What do I get for my money? When you buy a franchise you are usually buying a 'name' people know. I don't see this with your business so what do you offer? (ps In no way do I mean to be rude, but your website looks really homemade - you might want to invest some money making it look a bit sleeker).