wildest thing we saw..... The anything goes contest.... One guy climbed up the pole naked, wrapped his legs around it and slid down. just thinking about it makes my cojones cringe. best things we saw.. all the fun at the sexy pool.
The wildest thing I ever saw was two ladies polishing their husband's knobs on the upper deck of a crowded nighttime booze cruise. :shock: I guess some things can’t wait! It's all good. :lol:
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwhere to start. skinnydip in front of the chinse restaurant. danced naked on th booze cruise pierced the kuca lol No need to go farther
This is the wildest thing I SAW, right? :shock: Not the wildest thing I did. Right? Just checking! :lol:
Your reply was too funny. No I figured that not many would confess to the wildest thing they did!!! Do you ever look at your spouse on the flight home and say Man Did we just do all that?
That is excactly what I am afraid of - I am afraid of becoming addicted! Love to drink, love to dance, and love to act out of control. You would never guess any of those things about me if you saw me!
Umm was thinking the same thing. The wording of the question seriously restricts the response we can give. As for the wildest thing that we saw would have to be Shaun, Dancing Shaun on his first vacation at the BBG. As for wildest things we did ........... Steve's first booze cruise, that is about the cleanest response I can give without getting in trouble.