So i told mario to start wild charades at Temptation. Does anyone else think a bunch of drunk people playing charades getting more drunk when the mess up sounds like fun. Because i love the game. Lets all email mario and make him start playing.
Yeah and when your team loses you get the same thing as loseing crazy darts or wild tequilla valleyball. You can let the crowd write on pieces of paper what people should act out. That gets everyone involved and then the acting will take on the vibe of the crowd. I'm petitioning mario to add this game. I played pretty drunk with friends and it gets pretty funny, and thats just the clean game.
If you think this is a good idea and would like to see it played at TTR, let mario know. Go to the TTR website forum and make a post in the "new game idea" thread i started in the comments about the staff section. So we can make him try it out. Hey Icecube88 when you go down there tell them to get it started. Then when I go down there I'll tell them again. We can make this happen.