Forget about it. You are on vacation. Would it kill you to not be connected for a few days. :aktion061:
Totally, I couldn't agree with you more, as I've said numerous times on this subject. What's wrong with connecting with the person you're with. If I wanted to stay in touch with my friends from back home I'd have made sure they booked a room along with us. We totally unplug from the everyday life when we're down there. As I've said in other post on this subject three texts go out 1 on arrival 1 midweek and 1 before we depart. When the kids were younger we made sure they were looked after by responsible people if we didn't have that safety net we wouldn't have gone. But at the start of this I said we unplug from the rest of the world and plug into one another cause at the end of the day when the door is shut and we go to bed it's her and I and everyone else is shut out anyway. So why would I post about the good time I'm having that shit can take place when I'm home. For me I'd rather enjoy the good time I'm having with the one I'm with than ignoring her so the people back home can see what a good time I'm having. But that's just my opinion. :deadhorse:
I knew someone would go there. Please read my post. I specifically state it's NOT to be entertained by the people back home but more about streaming music. Thanks to those who gave me helpful information!
And for the record, I very much look forward to not being tethered to my email and social media while getting my groove on! I call that unplugging!
What we found was the internet was a little spotty around the resort last year. We paid for the week, $35 I believe, and was able to stream Sirius/XM via wifi. Best choice in my opinion for music streaming there. Sports Pool beds: no problem. Quiet Pool loungers: no problem. The room: problem. Sexy Pool: not needed. We just listened to stored music while in the room. We used Skype to connect via wifi in the lobby every day to check on our daughter. It worked perfectly. Strongest signal is the lobby if you need to download something. Hope this helps.
I did read your post as a matter of fact read it several times. You mentioned streaming music, and possibly checking in with friends via Facebook. Not to be entertained by them. So if you strictly want to have your own music use your phone to store about a weeks worth of music on it. Turn off your roaming and you're good to go. I've told my wife if at anytime while we're away and she sees FB on my phone or goes to see if there's a posting she has my permission to bludgeon me. If I need to catch up via Facebook that bad why bother going. All my electronic devices are locked away for the trip because it's all about her I could really care less about what's going on at home. I can't do a thing about it from Mexico and if the people I left in charge of the kids can't handle looking after them for a week than I left the wrong people in charge.
Hey it's different strokes for different folks. Some people like posting some funny pictures to their facebook when they are on vacation. I don't do it (because I like to go off the grid completely), but that doesn't mean that when my friends go on vacation I don't mind seeing a picture here or there of whatever crazy shenanigans they are up to while I am sitting at the office. Some people are annoying with this, but there is an acceptable level. I was on a beach in Miami years ago where two hotties decided to play topless paddle-ball right in front of me. You better believe that a picture was taken and sent directly to some close friends to tease them with "this is what I got going on right now" message. Also, remember the younger generation is much more used to having devices with a constant internet connect. It has come up many times on vacation while an intriguing topic is being discussed, that google is used get the correct answer and end a debate. And streaming media is always way better then whatever you pre-download/prepare. Say for example everyone is getting crazy singing and dancing in the room, and one song I have reminds someone else of a song they love, but I don't have that song. The ability to be able to stream it instantly is priceless. Next thing you know there is a rap battle going on of topless girls on a bed with backwards hats. If I didn't have a particular song, and no ability to access it via the internet, that that awesomeness might not have happened.
I can see your point on the streaming music but you know as well as I do that the ladies poolside don't want anyone sending pictures back to buddies no matter how awesome their racks are. I for one would hate to see my ladies rack shared with strangers via Facebook. So yeah if you want to stream music knock yourself out.
100% agree it isn't appropriate to take pictures at the pool with your phone. It really should stay stay in your pocket 99% of the time, or in the room. If for some reason you did need to check it, turn around and face the beach or a wall to check your messages/email (some people are unable to leave email unattended even while on vacation due to certain jobs or owning your own business.) My story above about taking a picture of topless paddle ball in Miami was from 2004. The flip phone used had no zoom and a 2 megapixel camera. You couldn't have seen squat. I am pretty sure the girls were just trying to tease my 21 yea old self anyway, and wouldn't have cared.