Very true. There's just bad things that happen in Mexico, and probably every other all-inclusive destination you can think of too where alcohol is on tap. For LesandJakie, don't worry about it, I know you have been looking forward to this for a long time and from what I've heard, June is packed full of people that help avoid these kind of troubles. June Junkies thread has over 31k hits, so I think you're going to be very much with friends. If it's anything like the group that go in Nov/Dec, we all stick together and shield each other from having things like this happen.
We are approaching double digit trips and have never seen anything like that. We feel safer there than anywhere else we vacation.
From my experience at TTR (we have been 5 times and going again in May) the incident that is being widely talked about here is out of the norm. My husband and I have never had any issues whatsoever. Go and have a great time. Ease your mind and know that you are going to a wonderful place that is full of adventure, fun and experiences that you don't get at any other resort. And also remember that almost (99.8%) all the people that go to TTR have the exact same idea as have a great time and make amazing memories.
AH, Hockey. I believe Texas' Dallas Stars won a Stanley Cup. Okay, I have now exhausted the depth of my hockey knowledge and interest. Sorry Canadians. I just hope when you said football, you meant real football and not kickball. Now that should get a good response! LOL