We really like WW as well, but she mostly has malibustrings.com. They all make'em as skimpy as you can dream.
These look great, problem is they are what WW calls knickers, not bathing suits. We order direct from WW, and the shipping is pretty cheap to us, (just north of Toronto) Just tell them to send it regular post, since it comes from Australia it has to come by plane anyway. We normally find it arrives in the same amount of time as priority. MS suits are also great!! www.malibustrings.com and since they arrive in an envelope 9 times out of 10 you don't even pay duty on them! http://galleries.wickedweasel.com/contributors/posts/2008-04-10/diane/1 Thought this info might help..we'll see you guys down there!!
The best part is once you buy a few, take some pics send them in to WW, if they post your pics you get a $200 gift cert...This has greatly increased Di's WW collection And malibu strings gives you $100.00.... Plus it's a great excuse to look at their web-sites!! LOL You'll see us at the sexy pool for sure, Ithink were there at the same time? Dec 27th-Jan 7th for us
Looks like it's been a good couple of weeks for the WW's at TTR lately!!!! Maybe time to think about something north of Tulum!!!! Here's your shortcut!! http://galleries.wickedweasel.com/