Trust me.. the safest course is always...always listen to your wife's sage advice and do as she says! :roll: Jamie
Here I come OK...I just cancelled my July trip, C U in June. Just kidding. WOW !!! Me likey very much. T is rockin HOTT !!! Thanx for the quick tease. I'm trying to be a gentleman and not ask for add'l shots but the other horny voices in my head are INSISTING you post add'l pics. They usually get the best of me ;-) PS. That Sun Tracker works really well. Found T in no time; check out the tan. -DJ
Very Nice...Theresa.... You look FANTASTIC !!! .... ... Tim you are one lucky man....Enjoy yourselves while at TTR....
RKXSK Good guess, but it's norfork lake in north arkansas. djalbe, Everyone needs a little religon :angel2: Hope everyone has a great time in cancun!!
wicked would of been my next guess, we always go to degray.looks like ur next trip to cancun wikk be in july or august. rick