Unfortunately for all my admirers (Karan?) Hillary has already proclaimed that I am not allowed to ruin another one of her bikinis this trip. Anyone else willing to take one for the team and give theirs up?
Now Dustin, I didnt say you didnt look d*mn good in it. Just wondered if you could resist wearing one... :wink: Debbie
You're so sweet!! As Dustin said, his big man ass is not allowed anywhere near my wicked weasels. I learned my lesson last time when my bottoms were suddenly three sizes too big.
We'll all chip in... either we can set up a registry at WW and let Hillary and George pick the items to add, or we can send a paypal to karan@cancuncare.com and let her pick them out...
:lol: :lol: :lol: haha, and he's wearing one in his avatar!! NOOOO WW for me, I leave that to Hillary & Ang....