Picture Night or Day. I will be your BBG $$%^^tographer. Ah the fun I have taking pics. We may have to come up with a challenge for people still at home. Something like name this ass. See how many they get right based on what they may have read. We could even give them clues.
Mine will be the really white Ass, did a little tanning bed for the last month, had shorts on, so I will be easy to spot! LOL
For the next two weeks you will be known as white ass. Tanning with shorts on is well deserving of that nickname. :lol: Maybe Chinos white ass bitch. :lol:
I will be making my 4th trip to BBG, been " Chino's bitch " before. He is a great guy, and does a great job , I laugh my ass off. See Ya at the pool, Have a safe trip!