Is a question I'm going to be asked tonight for a BBC interview. Not really sure I have an answer for that, any ideas?
Im flying back to UK Wednesday via the States- happy to update you on what, if any ,questions screening we go thru. Tracey
Why aren't the Mexican authorities screening passengers? I'm sure they have to be mate? I can't believe they would be so irresponsible as to not screen the passengers?
I heard they were looking for signs of flu like symptoms, i also heard they are asking ppl to voluntarily admit they have these symptoms... Don't know if any of it's successful, but this is what I've heard...
Lack of equipment, lack of training, lack of efficiency, lack of funds. This is a question for SALUD (Secretaría de Salud): or for SENASICA (Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria): SENASICA is the only health-related authority with offices at the Cancun airport. SENASICA is the agency directly in charge of protecting Mexico FROM disease or contamination from incoming germs. Their mission is more to protect Mexico's agriculture than it's people. It is my understanding that their staff at the airport is not made up of doctors but does have some veterinarians on it. SALUD is the agency that SHOULD be screening passengers and protecting their health. But they do not have an office at the Cancun airport and, so far, have not begun an operation there that we know about.
Because it's easier to let someone else do it? Like Rivergirl said, it seems like they are relatively unequipped to do anything proactive on short notice like this.
I'll bet Jim is right. There are probably 15 miles of red tape between the people/agency who could do the screening and the passengers who would be screened.
Thanks all, I was thinking what really can they do even if they were allowed to / had the equipment and training etc? You cant just listen out for random sneezes and coughs or stick a thermometer in everyones mouth and force them to stay behind if it turns out high. I'll be on in about half an hour, I think you can listen live at:
And what if they found somebody that was sick? Could they really stop them from returning home? Jamie