the hightlights are good where it cuts out the 3-4 minutes of doing nothing between plays lol its just not flowing enough. im a northern guy so im into my rugby league just think its gotta be fastest most non stop sport around for me and the atmosphere and fans are great! also into football (soccer) but not as much
Gemma some of my freinds joined a class for Belly Dancing they said it was good, but the teacher was evil and didn't like them chatting or laughing..So they quit ha ha LIke it's supposed ot be fun and all
a Forgot to mention this site when everyone was talking about getting into shape. Muchos informative.
I tell you a good ab thing to do if you have a partner, and go to the gym. Kevin and I tried this day before yesterday...and I am still sore (a good sore) from it. You and your partner get on these, facing each other about, say 6 feet apart: then you get one of the medicine balls (weighted soccer ball looking things)....and toss it back and forth...when you are the one catching...once you catch it, you go down for a situp, then toss it to your partner...back and forth, back and forth. This really works your lower abs...and its fun since someone is doing it with you....
Yoga class and Body Pump classes are good enuff for me.....Shoot my legs still hurt from those lunges???