I guess its because the guys to girls ratio thing, the girls can be picky as there are so many guys but not vice versa Bye Adam
not being a big clothes wearing wigger like a big percentage of people my age there worked for me last year :lol:
Fair enough about the big part, but I know that a greater % of girls would go for a guy in shape than a guy who's not in shape! Then when you get talking and find out that he has a bar-bell instead of a brain then thats a different matter lol Bye Adam
Wellme personally. It doesn't bother me if you are in shape or not...I am not in shape so I can't judge anyone else.
Dream you should know that guys dont think that rationally. Its always Stronger, Faster, Bigger, Harder, Better lol Bye Adam
its an attraction thing your more likely to be liked by opposite sex if you have a nice face to them , nice style to them , nice hair etc same with body i guess.
Well I look at the face first..>then I decide on other things..Persoanlly don't like big ripped juice pigs..hee hee