With CANCUN SPRING BREAK just around the corner we should all focus on getting in shape even if is just shedding a pound or two, what are some of your secrets in preparing yourself for that most saught after vacation bod. I will go first... Please Consult Your Physician before copying any of the posters techniques. I usually train super hard 30 days out, but because its rumored Cancun is supposed to be the Hottest Spring Break Destination for 2007 I decided to get a early start. My begining weight was 183 and I plan on getting down to 155 - 160 thats my usual Cancun Weight, but this year I plan on being Super Lean and more Vasculine. I eat alot of Tuna Fish, and Chicken, I get the cheap bagged salad from sams club and put it in a big bowl and throw some boneless chicken on the Forman Grill, cut it up and walllaaa theres my food for the week. I also eat, sweet potatoes, drink alot of water probably almost a gallon a day. Supplementation is necessary, I take Amino Acids, Creatine, Glucosamine, Glutamine, Hydroxy Cut, Six Star Caffeine Pills, Vitamin C, Multi Vitamins, Cuts II, Protein Powder My workout routine is as follows: Day 1 - Chest and Triceps Day 2 - Back and Biceps Day 3- Legs (I must admit Im a Super Slacker On Leg Day) Day 4- Shoulders Day 5- Repeat Arms Chest and Triceps Day 6 Cardio 1 hour Day 7 Cardio 1 hour Every Morning I Do my 8 Minute Ab video that is stored on my Computer its from the mid 90's but i like it, I also use a abs for dummies DVD occasionally. I also do my Tae-Bo video on cardio days when I dont feel like using my exercise bike or stepper machine I usually listen to some hip-hop music on the ole Ipod when doing cardio. Or I watch some of my many volumes of Cancun Footage to get me hyped or just go to www.perreotv.com and watch the latin music videos. Good Luck See you in March Oasis for Life or Until I buy a Condo ! (((((KP))))))
did legs today, bro. don't bitch out when it comes to legs. it will hinder the gains of the rest of your body. 155-160 is really light. how tall are you? anyway, trying adding some flax seed oil and alpha lipoic acid to your supplement regiment. ALA is great for helping your body burn fat and flax seed oil has too many benefits to list, its a no brainer when it comes to deciding to take it. me, i hit the gym hard all year, especially in the summer time. my usual cancun weight is like 180-190 ripped (im almost 6'1 so its not too big) but in the summer i get up to like 205-210 ripped down to my stomach. i slacked this year from like october to december but really got back into the gym full time mabye like 2 weeks ago. since then i put back like 8 lbs of muscle. im about 185 now, trying to hit near 200 by the time i get to cancun (hopefully march 10). im naturally skinny, i don't do cardio. just heavy free weights for solid muscle. anyway. your diet sounds good, you seem to know what your doing. if all else fails, turn to steroids...they are legal in mexico... (J/K)
im the same way, naturally skinny, so no cardio minus punching bag......so its just lifting for muscle
P H I L A D E L P H- Im like 5"8 I like to drop my weight when i go to Cancun for some reason, Ive been doing it for the past few years and it works for me, and I baby my legs because i fractured my tibia years ago and dont want to reinjure it, however it feels stronger than ever... i can run faster and jump higher than ever it must be the pin they inserted, and no Roids for me ever...legal or not, Im pretty sure your just playing around im all set being all natural !
yea being ripped in cancun is always the best way to be. sad to say but there are so many out of shape college kids that having a little muscle tone always seems to get you noticed
That wasnt the case when i was on mtv in 2004 the fat out of shape guy ended up getting the hot chick....on that show brainwashed (((hmmm I think it was a setup))
i was in the crowd for everything that mtv filmed in 2005 outside of the city on the beach. it was a great time but everything was so fake that is was kind of disappointing to see. did get to see 50 cent perform a live concert with only like 40 of us in the crowd. he gritted at me and my friends hard as shit when we walked on the set, it was weird to be so close to someone you feel like you know. was in the crowd on tv like 3 different shows. people would call me in the middle of the night throughout march to tell me that they had just seen me on tv. it was cool.
you know what? just cause you have a great body doesnt mean girls are gonna flock around you. if your personality is that of a wet mop, most girls will just keep on going. ...i'd rather be with someone that was out of shape and can make me laugh and i can talktoo...
we never said girls will flock to you if you have a muscular body, just that you are more likely to get noticed, you tend to stand out a little more..in a good way
Apple- I would have to agree, however on the show it was all pre-rehearsed shhhh dont tell anyone, and being in shape deffinately has its pros and cons, just like being out of shape, everyone has a preference thats why I LOVE SPRING BREAK, there is someone for everybody !