me and 4 mates have booked at lastv 27th feb till the 13th march and i wana say a big thanks to everyone on this forum for the realy helpful tips, cheers all jon
I/ we'll be at the Cancuncare party :wave: I'll be in Playa del Carmen for a few weeks around that time, but will come to Cancun for the CC party night. Will pick IbizaSue up on the way and we'll gladly be there!
**Updated** For sures Jason Riki Trigger Dezmo Andrew Apple Dream Ian Elizabethg Scotlands elite IceColdPenguin (((((KP))))) d2k surfboy P H I L A D E L P H Fletch Braggy Jessie Animal Tom L djsmoothy The_swedes Dookiedrawers Maybe....... ????
not sure, gollum pm'd me regarding a cheap condo rental I know of, so I sent him back that info. Not sure if she is with them or not?
Jason(CollegeGuY) Riki Trigger Dezmo Andrew Apple Dream Ian Elizabethg Scotlands elite IceColdPenguin (((((KP))))) d2k surfboy P H I L A D E L P H Fletch Braggy Jessie Animal Tom L djsmoothy The_swedes Dookiedrawers london niki