Tyler Crosby... ? Got this request to be a friend on my face book account and not got a scooby doo who the geezer is, bit worrying realy, how has he found me ? Why does he only put ' girls ' as his fourth interst after football ( I'm presuming he's refering to gay kevlar rugby but for the sake of falling out with some of you gay kevlar wearing egg chasing bufty boys I wont bring that up, ok. :lol: ) cars and self gratification within his own confines as interests ? Bit strange if you ask me, but in the mean time I appologise to those who have requested friendships and left messages on my ' wall ' for not replying, ... been a bit busy and all that.. :wink: :wink: Will prob cacel the account this week so lease dont take owt personally.... I can always be found on here via the usual channels. TTFN Ian :lol:
oh yeah... realy does it for me..... :roll: New Arctic Monkeys album out on Monday.... heard 'em live on Radio 1 other day... sounds V V V V V good. Ian :lol:
and with comments like that I'm not surprised someone twatted you last week... :lol: :lol: :lol: Ian :lol: