I forgot who I voted for, but all english drivers are crazy.(joke) They drive on the opposite side of the road. :?
i'm taking the mick here, but within a couple of weeks of passing my test i drove (is that the right word, drived?) the wrong way down a one way street and got caught, by a very angry and shouty policeman. Me "sorry its the first time ive driven in town, as i've only just passed my test" Him "It Shows" :evil: cue an old schoolmate walking past with a grin from ear to ear the bastard
Smash conserverty off the side of house Give a solicitor wiplash Cause a 2 car pile up in a drive through Run over friends foot Drive HGV with no licence Spill scolding coffee on the lap of pensioner Collect 6 points in 1 day from driving past the same speed camera Hit child Have the door ripped off a hire by a bus Slam back door on childs finger
For comedy purposes only i am now going to vote for Gollum but i want to watch her judge the Mc Donalds Drive thru
I'm voting Adam, purely because I've met the girls and I think they would be more of a hazard than the mexicans!
According to the North American Standards where you guys will be driving in....yes you do. Back at home you don't, but in Mexico you do. And PS it was a joke