6 weeks to go.. I am pumped up to party? Who will be there at the time.. Let's party untill you drop.. Ha? Cancun will always be nice when you have all your friends next to you? Good luck everyone one....
Hey College Man? I been to Cancun lot's of times... I heard the best time to go is the second week of March... That's when the big universities attend.. I heard your an expert in this.. Is this true!!!! i belive it starts on 8 and and end on the 20 right? Correct me if i am wrong... Cancun Oasis will rock??????? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
im pretty sure cancun is insane regardless of when you go, throughout the year haha but when me and the rest of the SB'ers go down it gets even crazier
Ho asis? you must mean NO asis, me and my boy were there last year and it was a total sausage fest. I hear that is the trend for the oasis....
i gotta agree, last year was a saugefest. the ratio is always 4 guys to a girl but last year it was like 20 to 1. this year, i bet cancun is back to 4:1.
agreed with both....sausage fest galore.....but if you think about it, there may be alot of sausage staying there, BUT that means more girls will flock over to visit
YEs the word on t he street is that tons of guys go to that hotel...They just wanna go and party really..But no worries there are still girls
well now that fat tuesdays is closed, there really isn't much options during the day besides the oasis. i mean, there are options, but i bet the oasis is going to attract more daytime outsides then it has in a few years. fat tuesday used to get pack during the day, especially on sundays when it was like $10 open bar.