I get the job done, make MANY BEAUTIFUL bosses happy.............but thats just my work ethic hahahaha
Are you sure? There is something to say about people who can't keep jobs for very long. :lol: But let me guess, they didn't fire you, you always quit?
Officially...WORST JOB EVER! :lol: Thats not even work. :lol: Definitly not worth putting on your resume.
... I don't know if I'm gonna make it to this.. I'm not much of a gambler. I might save the $ and put it towards a new sportbike. Undecided :cry:
How much do you have to win / lose to get a room comped or be offered other services of the hotel free of charge ? Just wondering like Ian :lol:
So right now we have Ian Rikib Me(Jason) Andrew BC Tips Is that everyone that is booked so far, or is BC and Tips not fully booked? Just trying to keep track of those 100% booked so far.
I didnt know you were booked yet henry, must have missed that, sorry. So, Henry+1 so far Ian Rikib Tips BC Me(Jason) Andrew