The wife used to get "Beverly D'Angelo" and Margo Kidder (before the crazy years, Margo's, not my wife :icon_razz
Met two couples last month at a lifestyle campground...of the two guys, one looked exactly like Vince Vaughn and the other totally had his voice. It was really a freaky coincidence.
You do look like Bruce Willis Neil lol! Best pic I have from our March trip is with you. Tell everyone I was partying with Bruce Willis and everyone is "Oh my god, really???" HAHAHA to funny. Only person anyone ever said I look like is the nerd from Road Trip that sleeps with the fat chick :icon_frown: :doh:
I was told on the first day by Amy, one of the entertainment staff that I looked like Mr. Chow from the movie hangover! Towards the end of my stay at TTR everyone in the resort started calling me "Chow" and advise me to change my username here at CCC to "Chow". So here I am! LOL. So I've fully embraced my new TTR identity! :musik026:
Prince Harry is a week older than me. I've had it my entire life. I don't really see it but once I opened the newspaper an or a split second wondered why I was in it. So I guess there must be some truth it. Fi normally gets compared with every redhead on TV from Deborah Messing through to Geri Haliwell!!! Not sure the same comparisons would be made if she were blonde!
Comedian Ron White for three years in a row in Mexico. A group of 6 from Conneticut insisted that I take a picture with them.
Brian Shaw - WSM 2011 (me on the left in this pic)
I use to get Morrissey quite a bit. my ex wife had a picture of him for her desktop and when I glanced at it I was confused cause I'd never be wearing a shirt like he was!