Never mind that zit boy, have you been eating enough cos you look malnourished to f*ck in that new avatar. Surprised looking at those arms you had the strength to hold the camera up never mind switch the f*cking bathroom light on :lol: :lol: :lol: Ian. :lol: PS. Missed you loads :lol: :lol: :lol:
hahahahaahha its like you never left......ive been eating pretty well as of late.....gaining some of my lost weight back........missed you too sir
You gotta laugh though havent you, what else would we do :lol: :lol: Right then, outta here hope everyones all OK... shall return tomorrow night for a longer period though and maybe chew the cud with some of the old miserable ba*stards that used to post on here. :lol: TTFN all. Ian :lol: :lol:
That was the day I tried to come home from Vegas lol... Yes, better late than never!!! Welcome Back, Ian...