cool hey if you find out a better list for what to do rockrgrrrl let me know as I get thier the week after you.
I may have a bias, as its my favorite club, but I always hit up Frogs at LEAST much fun, the emcee is amazing, 99% of the time its packed just right, where theres a ton of people, but still that small room to get to the bar and grab a drink....they have live bands sometimes which is awesome, tons of contests, prizes...everything....and one damn long run on sentence LOL
Yeah when i did Mazatlan Frogs was the best so that is definatly on my list. Thanks rockrgrrrl for the list I definatly want to do the best and you seem to have a good idea of what to do
I plan on going as many times as possible. I love Frogs too. I just want to make it to other places this time around. Haha
They do the water thing every night at basic.....its cool the first few times, then it kind of gets annoying haha. The bouncing floor is sweet though