Ol' diamondheaded strikes me as a pretty creative guy so he'd probably have some idea's about where to get one made.
You're right on that one...he gets customized buttons, cups, banners, M&M's, and just about anything else you can think of made!
where were going Most of our family and friends know us well enough that we tell them where were going.......I am proud to say that I share a small piece of paradise with all you wonderful people......... " god bless ms pacman!!!shes cute shes blonde and she swallows" VAN WILDER
Still can't understand why going topless is such a big deal to Americans. If you went to most beaches in Europe you would look out of place if you had your top ON xx
i hear ya les :wink: probably kinda like americans who dont understand "peace" protestors using violence in europe or people killing people over a freakin' religon women going topless in america..........being against the law.................................... :?: :idea: rates right up there with the two above.......... none of the three make any sense whatsoever :roll: btw - tonya dont have a problem getting topless anywhere - fer sho ive even got some pics of her topless in a bowling alley lamo see you guys in a few weeks the best rob
Have to say Rob you really made me smile with the protesters. Most of them can spend the day rioting in London but can't get off thier lazy fecking arses to find a job. We all know politians are crocks and religion is just way to delicate to touch but protesting at a confrence of world leaders is so stupid cos they couldn't give a toss. We have the world we got and we should make the best of it. Think Lynfa & I will start rioting to make going topless legal in America infact it should be compulsory lmao
americans are typically so weird about women being topless the best example i can think of is my ex wife whom i will affectionately call "bitchasauriassex" whenever she finds out that i took my son to see a movie where there was nudity in it - she freaks out and acts like i just handed the boy the keys to hell which is exactly what i would expect from her - :roll: but amazingly enough she has the audacity to say its perfectly okay to let him play grand theft auto and watch movies that glorify killing every man woman and child on the planet go figure :roll: boy that woman is a mess and a half as my pappy used to say, "son you got yourself a sho nough honey" hate to get into this and make a confession but after being faithful to her ungrateful ass for 15 years i got into a conversation with a buddy mine and i finally told him why i felt that i had every right to dump her. first (and im dead serious here) i could handle the fact that she was a bitch. i mean sooner or later most women take that route and so no problem - i just sit there nod my head act like i was listening to her cry about absoloutely nothing all day long................it was easy to overlook at first, cause she was still pretty hot and she had a smokin body..........so 1 strike against her was not a problem.... second..............as we went down the marriage road some years later she started putting away some oreos and turning into a porker, but again she was still pretty hot in the face so i was able to overlook 50 extra pounds she had put on just to piss me off. i had made a marriage vow that i was not going to take lightly so i hung in there even with two strikes against her then finally after about ten years she ran into an ugly forest..........got lost for 3 years wandering around in freakish misery....and then just completely let herself get as ugly as she possibly could..............in an effort to scare off every creature on gods green earth and any possible aliens within a 2,000,000,000,000 miles of the milky way....... then that is when i came up with the now infamous "three strike and your out rule" :idea: :idea: :idea: now hear me out - dont think for one second im suggesting that one can "get out" of a marriage that easy you see.... if she is just fat and ugly, but not a bitch then you got to stay with her cause she is not bitching at you all day long and that is the most awesome thing imaginable (a woman who dont bitch) if she is just a bitch and ugly - but she has got a great body - fer sho - you still got to stay with her ugly ass and listen to all her crap....so go out and invest in a victorias secret shopping bag put it over her head and then go to the adult toy store and get one of those red balls like the used in pulp fiction - stick it her volcanic mouth, suck it up like a man and deal with it and if she is a fat bitch..........but still pretty in the face - you guessed it - dont even think about dumping her but :wink: if she gets three strikes against her - - - a (1)fat, (2) ugly, (3) bitch...........then you can dump her anytime you like rob