We've been to Mexico several times and have taken several day trips to Cozumel, rented scooters and visited the island on our own. The thing we like the most is the ability to go at our own pace and visit several places for a beer and some chips along the way. The last time we went to Isla we bought the package and had to keep our golf carts with the group. Not nearly as fun. This year we're looking at Isla again but want to go off on our own. Does anybody have recomendations on some must visit places at Isla? Any hidden spots? Love to find some small outside bars / restaurant on the water!!
Rent a golf cart and explore the entire island on your own. There are several rental places across the street when you get off the ferry. Do a google search for golf carts--Isla Mujeres and I think there were some discount coupons like (10 or 15%). Typcially, around 30-35 per day or 1/2 day. A must----THE MAP---from Map Chick. This will give you a couple of different ways to "self tour" on the island. Including hidden spots, the "shell house" great food on the beach etc. We stopped at a "beach club" last year and swam in the pool and layed at their beach on beach beds. There was a restaurant too. Definately, the way to see Isla.
One of my favorite places to go on Isla is a restaurant on Playa (beach) Lanceros. The specialty dish is a BBQ fish known as Tikkin-Xic (pronounced Teek-een-chick). This is a Mayan inspired specialty handed down over the generations and is truly worth the trip on its own. Make sure you bring cash because the restaurant doesn't accept credit cards. I also enjoyed the dolphin swim progams by Dolphin Discovery, which you can also do if you visit Garrafon National Park. Either or are great places and you can find plenty of info by doing a simple google search. Aside from that, I agree with the above poster to rent a golf cart and tour on your own self guided day trip. CANCUN TOP 100 212eric
http://www.allaboutcancun.com/islamujeresmap.htm Check out this map but when you rent your cart they will give you an el cheapo version. Places of interest to me: Like Eric says, Playa Lancheros for the Tik n chic. But not sure if Garrafon is open these days. From the top of the map Playa Norte is the beach where you can sun. There is a place called Buho's with two bars on the beach. It is about as far north as you can go on Playa Norte. If you head to your left from the dock, go as far as you can then turn right and go as far as you can and then turn left. You will go past a small Convention Center and when you are at the beach you are at Buho's. There is a convenience store by the lighthouse structure where you can get beers for under $1 US, $7.5 pesos actually plus deposit. Then you cross the street to the beach and drink them. You can keep them coming cold by just walking back and forth to the store. From the dock cross the street and turn left and you will see a structure that looks like a lighthouse dead ahead of you. The conv. store is next to the lighthouse but it is tiny. There is a nice stretch of beach across the street. You can rent chairs for $30 pesos and an umbrella for $40 for the whole day. You can spot Playa Lancheros on the map. On the map you can see Hacienda Mundaca. It is really where the yellow road meets the white road and you will run into it if you don't make a right. It costs $20 pesos or so and it is a neat way to spend an hour looking at some history of the island and they have some caged animals as well. PACK SOME OFF AS THIS IS MOSQUITO HEAVEN HERE. My favorite place to eat and drink is called Playa Tiburon. It is just past the Turtle Farm which you can see on the map. You can park your golf cart just off the street or you can turn into Playa Tiburon and park too. Best to turn it around so you can get out easily if lots of carts show up. Pass on the margaritas here but the beers are always ice cold. The very south end of the island is called Punta Sur. You can walk out to a small cliff and see the waves crashing against the rocks. Good photo opp. On the way back to centro take the road on the Caribbean side of the island. On your left stop at the Shell House and take a pix of this home built in the shape of a giant conch. Enjoy.
Thanks for all the good information. I was afraid we wouldn't be able to experience the type of day trip we have numerous times in Cozumel. Looks like we just did it the wrong way in the past. Thanks for the map TJ. I bought all the maps from map chick a few years back and couldn't tell you where they are at today. I can taste the cold Sol already!!