We still doesn´t know Temptations (this week will be!), but if you consider the weather I think the best months will be from March to June, and from September to November, these are the best months to stay at the Riviera Maya, Usually from December to February the weather is chilly and windy.
We love our early Dec group...Cant imagine going and all of them not being there...But as first timers,Anytime will be good and you will make friends and then that will be "your" best time to go...
We have went late December - early January the last few years and had a fabulous time but weather was volatile. We are headed down the last week in Feb., mostly because of better weather. I believe any time you go to TTR, you are going to meet fun, uncomplicated people ready to let loose. Many of us have serious occupations and work too many hours. TTR is a great place no matter when you go to relax, unwind and be a little crazy.
When is the best time to go to TTR? Whenever you can! As often as you can! For as long as you can! Jamie
Amen to that Jamie, but I think May is the best, Ive kept in touch with more people Ive met in May than than any other time Ive been there. After May I would say April is the best. And Jamie speaking of May when are you going to post the first May roll call?
Just want to give props to the late October crowd. We went for the first time this past October. Weather was low to mid 90's everyday. Pool and ocean was perfect. Resort at 50% - 60% occupancy, so never a problem getting restaurant reservations. Usually can get a chair around the sexy pool even if you don't reserve one by 7am. At the end of hurricane season so very unlikely to get bad weather vs. many great deals at resort and airfare. Of course, great people and awesome service! We are planning to return next October. Paul
AGREE with jamie lol..but I used to love late feb early march, I think I probably did that 7 times..but I have been converted to the early december gang now has tractor so rightly said I can"t imagine being at Temptation without you all xx i still would prefer to do both when possible lol.. I can"t go april through november because of work commntments.