LOL after reading previous conversations about the purple shit we wondered too and ordered one.....Only way to find out is to ask your favorite bartender for one.
I will! I'll tell them! No worries on that one. Who knows what this trip will bring, luckily I'll be in flip flops and flat sandles most of the trip! :lol:
So your telling me to ask my favorite bartender for the purple shit...LMAO!!! This should be good.... :lol:
They won't bat an eye as they make and place the drink in front of you. It's actually called a Purple M....r F....r Jamie
In college we often drank a purple concoction... It was made from whatever alchohol we could scrounge up... It was different everytime, it was usually an Everclear base and anything else we could get, mixed into a clean garbage can and topped with many cans of grape juice. We simply called it "Jungle Juice". Sometimes sweet, sometimes strong, but always worked as a panty pryer. Like Jimmy Buffet says in the prelude to his song Grapefruit Juicyfruit... "It's the kind of drink that the girl your with say's... "I cant taste the alcohol." And you say... "Thats the plan baby." :ladiesman: