We will both be 40 (gulp!!), we look early 30's tho, yet act our age ( not too crazy but crazy enough to have fun). Hope we can run into a few dirty 30's cool peeps during our stay. We did cabo a few years back and the age range was wide.. We flocked more to the younger people durning that stay.
:flash: It was more fun... You swear that plane is never going to be able to land on that tiny strip of blacktop..at MoBay..and the peeps getting ready to board the plane when you departed sat on the grassy knoll by the flag pole..(pre 9-11) as you were getting ready to exit the plane door swings open ..the humid air smelled like one huge barbeque was going on..(jerk chicken) with a touch of ganja.. No TSA..hell you could bring a rum and coke on the plane with you..if you were discrete.. dido..on the boobies..