Always used to be the Orange juice but then one day the OJ was empty so tried the green shit and was hooked ... Once you get past the color it's fine .
watermelon juice is awesome, and bar makes decent espresso... oh, man, I miss Temptation's breakfast buffet...omelets, salmon, cheeses.. it's ok, 9 more days :aktion033:
Well I drank the juice called fireball out of a mug during breakfast before the Boobs Cruise. This lead me to having to drink water most of the day and screwing the cruise up for myself. Oh well, everyone else had fun. Elyse: "Do you remember me driving the boat in nothing besides my captain's hat?" Steve: "no" Elyse: "You were sitting 5 feet away with that stupid look on your face. Sucks for you. Maybe don't do shots at breakfast after being up until 4am" But normally I just drink about 8 green juices.