#1-if this were your first time at TTR-sure go ahead and go, but because you have already experienced TTR in full force, this trip would be TOTALLY different, a bit of a let down. #2-would you go and have a good time with your buddy-guilt free??? #3-Not a bad option -$500 is not the end of the world. My opinion plan on 2012, maybe even a few extra days than orginally planned to make up for 2011...and don't forget May is awesome!!! Congrats!!! Ron
Kyle, If you choose to not use it and can tranfer it I might know someone who would buy it from you and appreciate it greatly.
So I mentioned to the person with the monster (have you met my children? I kid) that I was thinking that I would just pass on going with my buddy and the response... 'go, stop being ridiculous, you have been working too much and need the break'. Sounds sweet right? But it feels like a trap. The guys know what I am talking about. The ladies are probably ready to fire bullets at me.
Thanks. I am definitely going to explore this idea. I think the other couple would love to go under normal circumstances. Who knows with being pregnant. Skyauction does allow you to add a second room for the same exact nights so it would work $ wise.
Thanks guys. Very excited. Although I love my girls, I am hoping for a boy as I am outnumbered 4-1 if you count the dog I looked up the terms and conditions and it says nonchangeable and nonrefundable. However, it implies that is after booking exact dates. When I paid I had to enter names. But it looks like I can change the names up until specific dates are selected. Of course adding complication is that I have to pay the remaining cost and then get payment from whomever I set it up as with their dates. So definitely some added risk. Or if i required someone to pay me before I locked in the dates then they might not be willing. I sent an email to customer service asking for clarification.
It would be nice to just go in 2012 together,or pick a different location but if this auction ticket is only for temtaions then i would try to sell them first and do the transfer and if last resort you losse out on the tickets then try to present to your wife option 1-tempations is a very open and care free place.Anyone there that sees her will see her as fat she is with child and that is obvious.She can still wear sexy clothes even though she is pregnant,treat her to the spa while you r there,sight see and spend time enjoying eachothers company.They have the huts by the beach to go relax in and as for temptations being to sexually charged...dont forget that what got her with monster.
Congratulations ! Jen and Kyle, Congratulations on your baby news ! Scott and I are hoping you have a happy and healthy baby . We wish you the best with the decision on your impending trip. p.s Sorry about your Eagles. :icon_sad: They would have lost to the Bears anyway! :icon_razz: