what will all us TTR folks do when TTR closes for remodel

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Randy&Kay, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. BostonMel

    BostonMel I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 20, 2005
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    No, if you did a take over you would want do a total take over. You don't want to risk a prude wrecking vacations. Not worth it. So hotels with around 100 or so rooms is perfect. All inclusive, big pool and swim up bar.
  2. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    at least the air worked

    Been there twice, and completely disagree. Everyone's trip is different, but I found it easy to talk to anyone at any point in the trip. At the bar, pool, beach, hot tub etc...everyone is in a great vacation mood.
  3. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Restling...I have to give you some credit man, you are the main defender of the GP. Keep sticking up for what you believe in. I don't have die hard feelings for any place, but it would be hard for me to not go somewhere in Cancun besides TTR, just cause I know all my friends are there. You may have a hard time ever going to Temptation, because you might compare it to the accommodations at GP the whole time.

    The other thing is that you throw some convincing arguments that the GP and the Tiki bar there 'can get crazy' and anything goes, but it would be hard for me to take that gamble. What if it didn't get nuts and the crowd was tame that week. I could only try to pump of the crowd so much without getting annoying or looking like an ass to the guest there are just trying to chill. With Temptation I feel you have multiple locations to choose from at night depending on dancing or maybe something on the chill side by the quiet pool bar.

    I stayed at the Royal in Playa del Carmen before. The place was amazing, and we had a blast. There were two large wedding groups the week I was there, and we really rocked it out by day at the bars. However, if I wouldn't have been lucky to have them groups there, I would have had to stand around with my thumb in my ass(or Elyse’s) all day. No one else was interested in having a ball at the resort beside the wedding groups and a few select others.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  4. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    I've probably said enough and should let it go

    I guess I didn't think that is what this was all about. Maybe people don't go in as big of groups as I thought. If 10-20 CCC all went somewhere than they couldn't have a great time?

    I just know I keep reading about how bad the facilities are at Temptation, and wonder what isn't appealing about GP, it does have a forum place on this site afterall? Good beach, hot tub, outdoor bar. I guess I sound like a defender, but I have nothing to compare it to so I'm just sharing my experience.

    Every trip is a gamble. Weather, no A/C, food poisoning, etc... It would be different during the day for sure. That may not work for this group, but the two of us made it work.

    As for different location there are two other bars inside the hotel for "something on the chill side" One is a sports bar theme with pool tables and ping pong, and a fare amount of seating where some people were playing hold'em or other card games.
  5. Dduo2

    Dduo2 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2015
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    When are they closing for the remodel?

    Hey guys! I stumbled upon this thread and saw that a few people asked when the remodel will happen with no response to that question...Does anyone know if it will be this year? We just booked for the end of October and I would hate to think we will be stuck in the middle of a shit storm of construction workers or have the place close down before we get to go. I would certainly like some details if you know facts or know where we can find out. Thanks y'all! Happy Friday! ;) - K&J
  6. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Completely agree with you, and I don't think there is anything wrong with being a defender. I enjoy reading what you have to say about the GP and sometimes I think it could be an option for me. You give another perspective on another place. Just like Kyle does with Desire (which sometimes I think about going there as well). That is why there are different parts to this forum, and I read in all of them.

    Yes everything is a gamble, but I guess I just like to put my chips on what looks like better odds with regard to what I am trying to get out of a trip. I agree 20-40 CCC people at another place would be enough for me. The thing there though is I am a respectful person, so if say the 20-40 "CCC heads" (new term) are being over the top, and no one is saying stop to us because we are the majority, but then I notice other people leaving to go to other areas, or just giving us looks because they don't want to join, and we are being a bunch of horny loon balls, then I would feel bad and try to get the group to pull it back at bit. Which they most likely won't want to do. Other people at the resort also paid and should be able to feel comfortable at the main watering hole, and not have to go to a pool/card room. Aside from just a few people being sticks in the mud, if one large group is making some smaller groups not happy, then I think there is a problem.

    Like Mel said you would have a do a full hotel takeover to make sure this type of thing didn't happen.

    Like you said a good couple can make a vacation work wherever, and I have been told that I am the type of person that gets people going when the party is a bit more chill then it probably should be. But the hard pressed thing to go against is the togetherness of the people at TTR. If I have had too much and need a break from all the dancing and music at PatyO, and my wife doesn't feel the same, she would (and has) ditch me. There is always something to do somewhere at TTR. If there is a gamble that the GP could be having a tame night at the Tiki bar, then she might decide to check it out and then just return to the room if it wasn't jumping. Then I would feel bad, because I wasn’t her wing mate, and she now is also having a chill night that she wasn’t planning for.

    I guess what I am trying to say is I like Temptation, because there is much less risk, and I can know what to expect(for the most part). Also, I have had no problems with the food or the facilities on either of my trips. I cut down on this risk by getting an ocean front or Jacuzzi room. This just takes getting a 'not so good room' room out of the equation. And as far as the food, you can get crappy food anywhere, especially if you don't know what you are doing. I previously worked in restaurants for years, and my dad was a chef, so I know system. Certain places are better for certain things, and other things I wouldn't even think about sometimes shake my head and think ‘why would you order that here. You are about to be disappointed’. I have maybe had 1-2 meals at TTR I was not super happy with. Over 2 trips (totaling 14 nights) I think this is pretty good. When I was at the 5 star royal this happened once. So it pretty much played out the same way, for a resort that was more than double the cost.

    One of the biggest problems is the crap beach at TTR. But for me that isn’t a problem because I would much rather drink in a pool, then on a beach. I can see how people complain about this, especially when you are going to a tropical location for vacation expecting to see a nice beach and ocean. But the other day Donald made a point the if the beach was nicer at TTR, then maybe there wouldn’t be as many people getting nuts in the pool. I thought this was an excellent point, and now thinking about this I have even less of a problem with the crappy beach part of TTR.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  7. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    O and with regard to your post title I just read, no I don't think you have said enough, and you don’t have to let it go just because I said you talk GP often. Say whatever you want. That's what this thing is all about. People can read it or not, that is up to them.

    I could be writing computer code, or other stupid ass nerd work right now, but I would rather be talking about partying and the beach.
  8. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    You’re cool at the end of Oct, nothing to worry about. There are lots of things all over this site related to this topic. Everything is in debate, and there isn't a super clear answer. But from what I have gathered (and I take what Steve says as the most reliable information), this isn’t going to begin until 2016 at the earliest. And don't forget about Mexico timeframes.
  9. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    ScubaSteve U need to consider the end of October.
    you belong with the Hellraisers
  10. BostonMel

    BostonMel I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 20, 2005
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    Yet another reason you need to get your ASS there in May Marshe. Hehe
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