Hello all I have enjoyed reading a lot of posts on this site and found great information here as well, my question is that next weeks forecast looks like showers for just about everday I will be in Cancun, does this mean rain all day or when they say showers does it rain on and off so my trip won't be a complete rainout.
upnorth; You will find more days than not a weather report indicates rain. IF and when it does rain it is usually short lived in the spring months. Occasionally, the winter brings a day or two of rain. I would imagine you will get a few replies stating the same. Really, I would not worry at all about this. Your first trip to Cancun??
Durning our visit last March the sun was shining in the morning when we went to the spa and the guys went deep sea fishing. Three hours later we walked out and it was overcast and pouring rain. By the time we walked back to our room the sun was shining again and it didn't rain the rest of the day. The guys said they didn't get any rain while fishing.
We had the same thing last year 3rd week of Feb and it said rain almost everday when I was checking the forecast. Then when we were there it started to rain (a hard rain too) while we were at the beach, so we packed up our stuff to find cover and by the time we got all our stuffed moved and reset it quit. :roll: That was the only rain we saw. Dont worry!! oh and Cindyinmpls, booked our flight last night 2 RT Feb 27th-Mar 8th was 986.00 through Worryfree. YEEEE F*#@#g HAAAA