Here in america we have walmart(huge), target, home depot, sears , kmart, and some others I can't think of . How about were all of you are from. Wondering how different things are over there.
unfortunately, we moved to a rather deslolate place no home depot no starbucks no target no name brand 'sit down and order from a menu' resturaunt we have a walmart (which I hate) we have a United (which is a grocery store) numerous family owned businesses in town dollar general/dollar tree/family dollar (why do we need so many dollar stores??) the nearest mall is over 100 miles away
Whats this ' mikie c ' survey Cancuncare members day :lol: Before you ask mikie, blood group b+ , inside leg measurement 34" and colour blue . Hope this helps. Ian :lol: :lol: :lol:
Walmart FutureShop/Bestbuy StarBucks is getting quite Big Can't wait for Taco bell to get here.. ( Montreal, Qc )