ok so its really really quiet on here at the moment and im bored at work so Whats the most stupid thing you've done when you've been drunk?? I think my top 3 (2 of these were done in cancun!!) are .. in no particular order: 1. Did a commando roll over a hedge not realising there was a big drop the other side (that one hurt) 2. Trying to save time by ironing my shirt whilst still wearing it (that hurt too) 3. Trying to open a bottle of vodka with a knife and nearly severing my finger (that one really hurt!) just trying to get some posts goin! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Do you want someone to find your top and bring it back in March?? :lol: I usually just pass out/fall asleep, I don't really have any drunken injuries that come to mind, just sleep and memory loss for me.
blacked out, thought the girlfriend family had turned into aliens and were after me, swore at the gf's father, locked myself in there bathroom then jumped out the window and ran down the street