This mantra sounds very much like what was likely said/felt/believed by the scores of arrogant aristocracy which have all eventually been (thankfully) overthrown in the course of history. NO ONE has the right to raise teenagers who at forcibly rape the 3 and 5 year old childern of others, and I'd suspect that few believe that resources which they've created or contributed to should be spent in their defense. Indeed - and note that they (lawyers to the last) have not made those changes - despite the ever increasing perpetuation of such horrific crimes. [Which is clearly (and so unfortunately) consistent with the prior evidence on why the legal 'profession' is thought of in the manner it is.]
You did notice the clarifier: certain rights? The text I wrote was to address the general statement implying that no rights are guaranteed and that right to legal counsel should instead be earned. I made no statement with regard to the irresponsibility and abhorrent actions of those parents and their children.
My own take on the legal system (here, at least), is that attorneys in general are tarnished by the numbers of "frivolous" lawsuits that are filed (ie. oops!, I spilled coffee on myself and got burned...McDonald's is at fault! -or- we were cut from the cheerleading squad...civil rights violation!). I've seen the ACLU take on civil rights cases that for myself at least appear to be quite over the edge. There appears to be little discretion among some attorneys when it comes to these kinds of cases, because the entities being sued (the defendants) will like to pay settlements rather than being dragged through a lengthy court process. In the matter of criminal cases, representation should be automatic (waivable by the defendants, but automatic). I would not want to be denied assistance by a legal professional should I somehow/someway cross the law. I would not want representation denied to anyone else as well. Frivolous matters, tho...there shouldn't be any guarantees in my estimation.